Sports Clubs in Reykjavik

The Reykjavik Sports Association (ÍBR) is an umbrella organization for sports clubs in Reykjavik. Associate members number 72, with the number having increased in recent years. 

Sports clubs in Reykjavik offer a wide variety of sporting activities, numbering 51 in all. Below is a list of the various sports clubs, their website and an e-mail address for contact. In addition, a high-quality image of most club crests is provided. 

Sports Clubs in Reykjavik
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Aikikai Reykjavík
Aþena íþróttafélag
Bifreiðaíþróttaklúbbur Reykjavíkur
Dansfélag Reykjavíkur
Dansfélagið Bíldshöfði
Fisfélag Reykjavíkur
Frisbígolffélag Reykjavíkur
Glímufélag Reykjavíkur
Glímufélagið Ármann
Golfklúbbur Brautarholts
Golfklúbbur Reykjavíkur
Golfklúbburinn ESJA
Hafna- og mjúkboltafélag Reykjavíkur
Hestamannafélagið Fákur
Hjólreiðafélag Reykjavíkur
Hjólreiðafélagið Tindur
Hnefaleikafélag Reykjavíkur
Hnefaleikafélagið Æsir
Íþróttafélag fatlaðra í Reykjavík
Íþróttafélag kvenna
Íþróttafélag Reykjavíkur
Íþróttafélag Stúdenta
Íþróttafélagið Carl
Íþróttafélagið Drekinn
Íþróttafélagið Freyja
Íþróttafélagið Fylkir
Íþróttafélagið Leiknir
Íþróttafélagið Ösp
Jaðar íþróttafélag
Ju Jitsu félag Reykjavíkur
Júdófélag Reykjavíkur
Karatefélag Reykjavíkur
Karatefélagið Þórshamar
Keilufélag Reykjavíkur
Klifurfélag Reykjavíkur
Knattspyrnufélag Reykjavíkur
Knattspyrnufélag Vesturbæjar
Knattspyrnufélagið Afríkuliðið
Knattspyrnufélagið Árbær
Knattspyrnufélagið Berserkir
Knattspyrnufélagið Breiðholt
Knattspyrnufélagið Elliði
Knattspyrnufélagið Fram
Knattspyrnufélagið Hlíðarendi
Knattspyrnufélagið Léttir
Knattspyrnufélagið Mídas
Knattspyrnufélagið Úlfarnir
Knattspyrnufélagið Valur
Knattspyrnufélagið Víkingur
Knattspyrnufélagið Þróttur
Kraftlyftingafélag Reykjavíkur
Lyftingafélag Reykjavíkur
Rathlaupafélagið Hekla
Rugbyfélag Reykjavíkur
Siglingafélag Reykjavíkur - Brokey
Sjór - sund- og sjóbaðsfélag Reykjavíkur
Skautafélag Reykjavíkur
Skíðadeild Hrannar
Skíðagöngufélagið Ullur
Skotfélag Reykjavíkur
Skvassfélag Reykjavíkur
Skylmingafélag Reykjavíkur
Sundfélagið Ægir
Svifflugfélag Íslands
Tennis- og badmintonfélag Reykjavíkur
Ungmennafélag Kjalnesinga
Ungmennafélagið Fjölnir
Vængir Júpíters

Certified Model Sports Clubs and Club Departments

The National Olympic and Sports Association of Iceland (ÍSÍ) has in place a quality certification system for sports clubs and club departments as part of a quality project focusing on sports activities. By adopting a quality certification system for their sports activities, sports clubs or their departments apply for recognition by the Association based on the quality standards it has set out. If the set standards are met, clubs or club departments can then receive formal recognition from the Association and officially state themselves to be a certified model club or department.

The following clubs and departments within the Reykjavik Sports Association (ÍBR) are now officially recognised as having certified model status:

Skautafélag Reykjavíkur, Figureskating

Knattspyrnufélag Reykjavíkur, Swimming

Knattspyrnufélag Reykjavíkur, Skiing

Knattspyrnufélag Reykjavíkur, Basketball

Knattspyrnufélag Reykjavíkur, Football

Knattspyrnufélag Reykjavíkur, Bowling

Knattspyrnufélag Reykjavíkur, Handball

Knattspyrnufélag Reykjavíkur, Athletics

Knattspyrnufélag Reykjavíkur, Table Tennis

Knattspyrnufélag Reykjavíkur, Badminton

Knattspyrnufélag Reykjavíkur, Board

Ungmennafélagið Fjölnir, Handball

Ungmennafélagið Fjölnir, Karate

Ungmennafélagið Fjölnir, Swimming

Glímufélagið Ármann, Board

Glímufélagið Ármann, Taekwondo

Glímufélagið Ármann, Skiing

Glímufélagið Ármann, Swimming

Glímufélagið Ármann, Weightlifting

Glímufélagið Ármann, Power lifting

Glímufélagið Ármann, Basketball

Glímufélagið Ármann, Judo

Glímufélagið Ármann, Wrestling

Glímufélagið Ármann, Athletics

Glímufélagið Ármann, Gymnastics

Important Deadlines in the Association's Annual Calendar

Associated members of the Reykjavík Sports Association (ÍBR) must submit performance reports to ÍSÍ (The Icelandic Olympic and Sports Association) and annual accounts to the Association. They can also apply for various grants.

Here below is a list of important dates that club representatives should keep in mind regarding applications.


Travel fund for sports clubs - applications are received by ÍSÍ at the beginning of January.


The deadline for applications for grants for summer training is February 1.


The deadline for applications to the ÍBR High Achievement Fund and Project Fund is March 15.


The deadline for ÍSÍ's work reports is April 15 - reports must be submitted in Felix, the standard electronic system used by the sports movement.


Applications for training grants for the upcoming winter season must be submitted to ÍBR by May 1. The deadline for applications for the ÍBR Basic Grant is May 31.


The deadline for submitting annual reports/financial statements to ÍBR is June 1. Any rule changes must be made known to ÍBR.


The deadline for applications to the ÍBR Achievement Fund and Project Fund is September 15.


Applications for the National Sports Fund must be received by October 1.


Reykjavík athletes – suggestions and observations should be submitted to the ÍBR board before December 1.

Association Membership Requirements

According to the Association's rules, all clubs in Reykjavík having sports and youth activities on their agenda have the right to become associate members of the Association, as long as they meet the conditions applying to sporting activities at any given time.

When applying for Association membership, a formal application must be submitted to the Association's office. The application should include the club's rules, a report on its founding date and year, information on the club's board members and the number of members.

Along with the membership application, there is an admission fee of ISK. 25,000.

Applications go before the Association's board, which refers applications to the Association's rules committee for consideration. If the rules committee has any comments or queries, they are sent immediately to the club; if there are none, the application is then referred to ÍSÍ for review. ÍSÍ takes a position regarding the name, rules, and sport, where applicable. Once an application is approved by ÍSÍ, it is sent to the Association's board for final approval. This process can take anywhere from a few weeks to a few months.

Before the Association's board finally approves a membership application, the relevant club must have a confirmed club registration approved by ÍSÍ.

If a club fulfills the Association's admission requirements and its application has been approved, it acquires the rights as an associate member of the Association.

The Association then notifies the City of Reykjavík, ÍSÍ and the relevant sports body about the establishment of new clubs and departments.

Click here to view an example of club rules (Word document). This template can be used when formulating club rules.

All clubs affiliated to the Reykjavik Sports Association must comply with the following:
  • Submit by April 15 activity reports as to club membership and active participants, as well as the annual financial report.
  • Before June 1 of each year, clubs receiving Association grants must submit an annual report and a signed financial statement to the Association.
  • Pay a service fee to the Association.
  • Hold a general meeting in accordance with the stated rules.

An Association member that has failed to hold a general meeting, failed to submit the stipulated reports and has not paid the service fee, forfeits its right to vote at the Association's annual assembly; it also loses the right to nominate a representative at the assembly. Should yet another year pass without compliance, the Association can remove the club from its register.


  • Merki ÍSÍ
  • Merki UMFÍ
  • Merki Reykjavíkurborgar
  • Merki ÍTR
  • Merki Íslenskrar Getspár
  • Merki Getrauna